Januari 18, 2011

Analisis Film " The Sandwich Day "

1. The Genre of this Drama is Comedy family
2. The Synopsis:
Young child names Billiam William who seat at fifth grade was bothered by his classmate Terrence. Terrence hit Billiam by a sandwich, and Tim who sees that accident and helps Billiam by giving a tissue. While he shares his problem to his Mother, she only advises him to neglect Terrence’s trouble. In the school Tim tells Billiam that he should doesn’t listen his Mother advice when it comes to bullies. So Billiam and Tim are very close now. They have a trick to reply Bill’s revenge to Terrence and the trick is by making a hundred of sandwich fall down to Terrence. Terrence is very angry and raising his fist to Billiam, but suddenly Bill’s mother comes and runs after Terrence by her car.
3. The review of drama:
This drama tells the story of child naughty that occurred in the 5th grade. His name is Billiam who always gets trouble of Terrence, until one day his face hit by sandwich. Tim who helps Billiam by providing tissue Billiam. When Billiam vent to his mother, his mother advises only to calm and cool and his mother will call the Terrence parents. However, Billiam rejectes his mother advise and listens to his friends Tim. They plan a trick for Terrence, with a shed not only a sandwich but 100 sandwichs. Their plan is successful, but Terrance is angry and beat Billiam, at the same time Billiam‘s Mother comes and sees her son is hit by Terrance. Billiam's mother was angry and chased Terrance who fled on his bicycle.
This story is very interesting because it tells about the naughty of children, therefore parents are very influential in the growth of children. Naughty child indeed common but would be great if it could mischief which makes a target trauma. Likewise with a story where Terrance runs away again when he sees Billiam’s mother, Billiam dreams that he hit by another sandwich. It can make childhood a time of fear to children or make nightmare childhood. Parents also must be very wise to respond naughty child, they must be fair not too free a child or too protect the child.

4. The main actors of story Sandwich Day are Billiam William, Terrence, Tim, Billiam’s Mother. Billiam has nightmare in the childhood, he is silent person. When the teacher checking attendance, Billiam sit silently. Biliam revenge to Terrence it shows by his trick to Terrence.
Biliam’s mother is motherly and wise. She advises Billiam while he shares his problem to his mother, she tells Billiam to calm and cool in facing his naughty friend, but she is too protective to his child because she run after Terrence in the the day of Terrence raising his fist to Billiam.
Tim is instigator friend, he tells Billiam to neglect his mother’s advice. He is best friend for Billiam because he helps Billiam in making trick to reply Terrence.
Terrence is naughty child who bother Billiam. He is also coward child, while he meets Billiam’s mother in his school.
5. Moral Purpose
To inform that family has big role in child’s life. The story tells 3 children’s with different characteristic and educate in different education, Terrence the trouble maker , Billiam the silent child and Tim the instigator. All of them are naughty children.
Moral Value
Don’t be afraid to someone who bothers us, but be brave to face it. Be confident to talk and socialize with other people. Parents has big role in child’s life, parents’ advice and wisdom influence their children’s characters. So parents have to act balance in child’s life. Don’t too over protective or free his child.

Analisis Film

1. The Genre of this Drama is Comedy family
2. The Synopsis:
Young child names Billiam William who seat at fifth grade was bothered by his classmate Terrence. Terrence hit Billiam by a sandwich, and Tim who sees that accident and helps Billiam by giving a tissue. While he shares his problem to his Mother, she only advises him to neglect Terrence’s trouble. In the school Tim tells Billiam that he should doesn’t listen his Mother advice when it comes to bullies. So Billiam and Tim are very close now. They have a trick to reply Bill’s revenge to Terrence and the trick is by making a hundred of sandwich fall down to Terrence. Terrence is very angry and raising his fist to Billiam, but suddenly Bill’s mother comes and runs after Terrence by her car.
3. The review of drama:
This drama tells the story of child naughty that occurred in the 5th grade. His name is Billiam who always gets trouble of Terrence, until one day his face hit by sandwich. Tim who helps Billiam by providing tissue Billiam. When Billiam vent to his mother, his mother advises only to calm and cool and his mother will call the Terrence parents. However, Billiam rejectes his mother advise and listens to his friends Tim. They plan a trick for Terrence, with a shed not only a sandwich but 100 sandwichs. Their plan is successful, but Terrance is angry and beat Billiam, at the same time Billiam‘s Mother comes and sees her son is hit by Terrance. Billiam's mother was angry and chased Terrance who fled on his bicycle.
This story is very interesting because it tells about the naughty of children, therefore parents are very influential in the growth of children. Naughty child indeed common but would be great if it could mischief which makes a target trauma. Likewise with a story where Terrance runs away again when he sees Billiam’s mother, Billiam dreams that he hit by another sandwich. It can make childhood a time of fear to children or make nightmare childhood. Parents also must be very wise to respond naughty child, they must be fair not too free a child or too protect the child.

4. The main actors of story Sandwich Day are Billiam William, Terrence, Tim, Billiam’s Mother. Billiam has nightmare in the childhood, he is silent person. When the teacher checking attendance, Billiam sit silently. Biliam revenge to Terrence it shows by his trick to Terrence.
Biliam’s mother is motherly and wise. She advises Billiam while he shares his problem to his mother, she tells Billiam to calm and cool in facing his naughty friend, but she is too protective to his child because she run after Terrence in the the day of Terrence raising his fist to Billiam.
Tim is instigator friend, he tells Billiam to neglect his mother’s advice. He is best friend for Billiam because he helps Billiam in making trick to reply Terrence.
Terrence is naughty child who bother Billiam. He is also coward child, while he meets Billiam’s mother in his school.
5. Moral Purpose
To inform that family has big role in child’s life. The story tells 3 children’s with different characteristic and educate in different education, Terrence the trouble maker , Billiam the silent child and Tim the instigator. All of them are naughty children.
Moral Value
Don’t be afraid to someone who bothers us, but be brave to face it. Be confident to talk and socialize with other people. Parents has big role in child’s life, parents’ advice and wisdom influence their children’s characters. So parents have to act balance in child’s life. Don’t too over protective or free his child.

Januari 07, 2011


ALLAH melaknat al-wasyimah, al-mutaushimah, al mutanamisah, almutafallijat yang mengubah ciptaan Allah.
Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi
wa sallam, bahwasanya ia bersabda, "Dilaknat wanita yang menyambung rambut
dan wanita yang meminta untuk disambungkan rambutnya, wanita yang mentato
dan wanita yang meminta untuk di tato."

Al-wasyimah adalah wanita yang bertato. Allah melaknat wanita yang bertato. Al-mutaushimah adalah kata pasif dari al-wasyimah, yaitu wanita yang minta ditato. Ini adalah perkara yang dilaknat Allah. Hukumnya sama dengan wanita yang mentato.
Melakukan tato pada kulit adalah perbuatan yang diharamkan Allah swt, sebagaimana disebutkan didalam sebuah hadits yang diriwayatkan dari Alqomah bahwasanya Rasulullah saw bersabda, ”Allah melaknat orang-orang yang mentato dan yang minta untuk ditato.” (HR. Bukhori)
Ini karena mentato berarti merubah ciptaan Allah, karena tato adalah membekukan darah, sedangkan darah yang beku adalah najis.


Respon Cerpen “ Relung Telinga”
Cinta dan obsesi untuk memiliki selalu menyertai kita yang tengah dilanda cinta. Ketika kita tahu bahwa kita harus kehilangan orang yang kita cintai terkadang kita merasa tak rela dan terobsesi untuk selalu bersamanya. Aku lebih suka mencintai kekasihku sekedarnya saja, dan jika dipresentasikan dari 100% hanya 10% cinta saya terhadap dia, karena ketika suatu hari nanti kita kehilangan dirinya sakitnya tak separah cinta 100% kita akan merasa takut kehilangan. Cinta dan obsesi jelas berbeda, cinta datang tanpa pamrih, kita akan menjaga kehormatan cinta, kita akan selalu berbuat yang terbaik untuk cinta. Berbeda dengan obsesi, kita akan menelantarkan cinta setelah kita mendapatkannya, kita berbuat baik hanya setengah-setengah, kita terkadang keliru dengan apa yang seharusnya kita berikan padanya adalah salah. Menurutku ungkapan cinta yang paling tepat untuk menyatakan cinta kepada seseorang adalah melalui sikap kita terhadapnya, bisa melalui perhatian, dan kita harus konsisten atas apa yang kita ucapkan padanya sejalan dengan perbuatan kita.
Cinta juga tak bisa dipisah dengan kesetiaan, kesetiaan adalah tanda cinta. Ketika cinta dilanda ujian, atau godaan tawaran cinta lain, apakah kita mampu menyingkirkan godaan itu semua. Ketika kesetiaan kita mulai goyah, sedikit rasa cinta terhadap kekasih akan berkurang. Inilah ujian cinta sesungguhnya, “kesetiaan”.

Respon cerpen ” Laras Panjang Senapan Cinta”
Cinta dan pemaksaan, obsesi untuk memiliki padahal belum tentu dia yang kamu cintai itu adalah dia yang terbaik untukmu, malah mungkin dialah yang akan menyakiti dan menghancurkanmu. Boleh saja kita memaksa seseorang untuk cinta atau suka pada kita, tapi itu perbuatan yang kurang baik karna cinta datang dengan sendirinya tanpa paksaan, tanpa undangan, tanpa suruhan juga tanpa obsesi. Obsesi lebih dekat dengan nafsu. Jika kau cinta dia sepenuh hati, tentu kau akan memberikan yang terbaik untuknya, kau rela berbagi kebahagiaanmu untuknya. Ketika kau menganggap bahwa dia akan aman dan bahagia di sampingmu, padahal sebenarnya dia yang tidak mencintaimu merasa tersiksa dan tersakiti atas perbuatanmu terhadapnya, namun terkadang kau tak menyadarinya. Cinta terkadang membuat orang gila, hingga kita tak mengenali diri kita sendiri, karena cinta memang sulit untuk diungkapkan. Tuhan menciptakan kita hidup di dunia berpasang-pasangan atau disebut dengan jodoh. Lalu apa itu jodoh, apakah ketika kita menikah pasangan kita bisa disebut jodoh bila ada perceraian. Sampai saat ini aku masih tak tahu apa itu jodoh. Sangat indah dan bahagia rasanya jika kita memiliki cinta tanpa harus menyakiti orang yang kita cintai.

Respon cerpen “ Lelaki Yang Hilang Dalam Gerimis”
Cinta memang indah, cinta dapat menyatukan segala perbedaan baik itu bahasa, budaya, suku, warna kulit, kecerdasaan, negara dan bahkan usia. Cinta tidak mengenal itu semua karna cinta adalah penyatuan dan pengertian dari perbedaan itu sendiri. Namun bagaimana jika ternyata cinta itu tak bisa kita miliki? Cinta memang berkaitan erat dengan pengorbanan, ketika kita mencintai kita harus rela berkorban untuknya. Saya pribadi tidak setuju jika cinta tanpa memiliki, karena untuk apa kita mencintai tanpa kita memiliki dan menghabiskan sisa hidup kita dengannya kalau lama-kelamaan cinta itu akan hilang dengan sendirinya. Lebih baik kita mencari cinta lain yang dengannya kita bisa berbagi, dan menyayangi. Aku lebih setuju cinta tak harus memiliki adalah cinta sesaat, karena kita tak bisa memilikinya. Jadi cinta itu harus saling memiliki satu sama lain.